Monday, 25 July 2016

How far have I come This Term?

I have come so far from Term 1 Day 1 of my last year ever at primary school,The challenge I have overcome is getting under 13 mins on the run and I have succeeded now the next challenge is getting prepared for high school.

What have I achieved throughout this year?

I have achieved more math skills with Dividing Decimals and Multiplying,BasketBall,Fitness and most importantly gaming.

What am I going to do get better at these things?

Practise Practise Practise.


  1. Kia Ora Reuben, my name is Angelina and i have read your writing, you have succeeded very well, maybe next time you could add a picture of you, working hard, and tell us more fascinating information..... Maybe you could cheek out my blog just go to

  2. Hi My name is Moa and i have read your work and it was really good and I think you should put more details about your work. Have a look at my blog. This is my blog
