Wednesday, 1 June 2016

NYLD//16 Refection

Tuesday 31.5.16

We all wake up and get ready to go to Horncastle Arena to listen to motivational speeches but not from famous people just ordinary people that had their life's changed from one person or one accident.

Billy Graham.

Billy Graham - one person changed his life and the person who changed it was a master boxer. Billy's been boxing most of his life and he’s still doing it at the age of 68, all that matters is that you can do anything you just need to stop holding back.

James Beck.

James Beck was a funny guy at the start then he got more and more motivational towards the end, he didn’t really tell us about his life much but he said something I won’t forget “You can’t control what happens to you but you can change your attitude".

Brylee Mills.

Brylee Mills was an ordinary girl until the age of 6 she had been in a car accident and had her arm stuck under the flipped van and she had to get her left arm from the elbow down amputated but that doesn’t stop her from dancing, she is a famous dancer and still a normal person but only with one arm.

Where to from here? I am going to change my attitude towards school and education

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